Wednesday 28 January 2009

Why do I want to work in Design?

Since my holiday job is working at reception, my holiday research for best/worst consisted of videos and still frames of surroundings within the work place and traveling to and from work. It was established that my project had become about the worst way to spend a holiday (or the worst surroundings to be in whilst on holiday, i.e. work!).
My project direction for top ten then moved onto the worst things to happen in a day and from there evolved into the top irritations, which Im still working on but...
As I have been looking at places for work experience, I then decided to capitalise on the initial idea of workplace and the kind of job I don't want to be stuck in, thereby creating the following stop frame animations. The first one is a bit too long and not as clear at getting to my point so I have edited it down and hopefully it is improving slowly but surely!! I am also wanting to include audio but firstly want to the images right.

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